This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.2. Go to the current stable version
# oh-aggregate-series - Aggregate Series
# Configuration
# General
# name
A name which will appear on tooltips and labels
# item
Item TEXT item
The item whose persisted data to display
# service
Persistence Service TEXT persistenceService
The identifier of the persistence service to retrieve the data from. Leave blank to the use the default.
# offsetAmount
Offset Amount INTEGER
Offset to subtract from the displayed period, use if you want to do period comparisons (see also Offset Unit).
# offsetUnit
Offset Unit STRING offsetUnit
Offset to subtract from the displayed period, use if you want to do period comparisons (see also Offset Amount).
# type
The type of the series.
Note: heatmap needs a configured visual map and is not supported for time series
# dimension1
First Dimension TEXT
The largest data point cluster size.
It should be consistent with the chart type, and match the type of a category axis where this series will appear.
# dimension2
Second Dimension TEXT
The smallest data point cluster size.
Set only when you have 2 category axes (for instance day of the week and hour of the day), and make sure to match the type of the 2nd axis.
# transpose
Transpose BOOLEAN
Enable when the first dimension should be mapped to the Y axis instead of the X axis
# aggregationFunction
Aggregation Function TEXT
How to reduce the data points in a same aggregation cluster to a single value. If not specified, the average function will be used.