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# oh-block - Layout Grid Block

oh-block header

# Usage / reference documents

Grids elements provide a way to organize and position other visual components on the page in relation to each other. Some of the key design concepts are explored here (print) (opens new window) or here (UI design) (opens new window).

In openHAB grid is used within layout pages to organize and align controls. Grids can also be used to layout the controls that make up a custom widget. Both layout pages and individual controls can be made responsive) (their design changes based on the screen size). A layout that is optimal on a mobile phone screen is often not on a laptop or large monitor.

Widget design

oh-block, oh-grid-row and oh-grid-col are used for layout page design. These controls are not suitable when designing custom widgets. Use the f7-block (opens new window), f7-row (opens new window) and f7-col (opens new window) to organize components in custom widget designs.

  • Layout pages are discussed within the main documentation here.
  • oh-block is the root a container object for oh-grid-row/oh-grid-col objects (which in turn, host the controls that provide the user interface).
  • An oh-block is created in a layout page each time you click the Add Block button in the page design window. At least one block is required for each layout page.
  • You can view / edit the layout page code by clicking the Code tab when in page design view (Administration/Settings/Pages).

Layout page code editor


Grid is not a table! Grid components are virtual containers, so you can not view them or add borders as you would be able to do with a HTML table.

# Configuration

# General

# title Title TEXT

Title of the block, displayed above it

# Inherited Properties

The configuration is passed to the underlying f7-block component from Framework7 v5, however there are no compatible scalar properties available, due to the application specific purpose for this control.

# Slots

# default

Hosts all child content to be placed within this container.

# Examples

# Header Image Source Code

This example code generates the example block and grid image used at the top of this page:



  label: testGrid
  - component: oh-block
      title: Here is a BLOCK with a TITLE
        - component: oh-grid-row
          config: {}
            default: []
        - component: oh-grid-cells
          config: {}
              - component: oh-cell
                config: {}
              - component: oh-cell
                config: {}
              - component: oh-cell
                config: {}
              - component: oh-cell
                config: {}
        - component: oh-grid-row
          config: {}
              - component: oh-grid-col
                config: {}
                    - component: oh-label-card
                      config: {}
              - component: oh-grid-col
                config: {}
                    - component: oh-label-card
                      config: {}
masonry: []

# Community Resources

  • Got a cool example from the Community pages? Use the GitHub edit page link to add links to this page!