This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.2. Go to the current stable version
# oh-input - Input
Displays an input field, used to set a variable
# Configuration
# General
# name
Input name
# type
Type of input (see f7 input docs)
# placeholder
Placeholder TEXT
Placeholder text
# sendButton
Send button BOOLEAN
Display Send button to update the state with a command (needs a configured item)
# clearButton
Clear button BOOLEAN
Display input clear button when applicable
# outline
Makes input outline
# required
Required BOOLEAN
Display an error message if left empty
# validate
Validate BOOLEAN
When enabled, input value will be validated based on input type
# validate-on-blur
Validate on blur BOOLEAN
Only validate when focus moves away from input field
# item
Item TEXT item
Link the input value to the state of this item
# defaultValue
Default value TEXT
Default value when not found in item state or variable
# variable
Variable TEXT
Name of the variable to set when the input changes
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