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# oh-repeater - Repeater

Iterate over an array and repeat the children components in the default slot

# Configuration

# General

# for Current element variable TEXT

Name of the variable holding the current element in the iteration, it will be propagated to the children components in the default slot. 2 additional variables with the "_idx" and "_source" suffixes will also be defined to hold the current index and source array, respectively.

# sourceType Source type TEXT

What to iterate on

Array (default) in the "in" parameter
Range of integers defined by "rangeStart", "rangeStop", "rangeStep"
Member of the group defined in the "groupItem" parameter
Items with tags in the "itemTags" parameter
State options of the item specified in "itemOptions"
Command options of the item specified in "itemOptions"

# in Source array TEXT

Source array (for "array" source type)

# rangeStart Range Start INTEGER

Start of range (for "range" source type)

# rangeStop Range Stop INTEGER

End of range (for "range" source type)

# rangeStep Range Step INTEGER

Step of range (for "range" source type)

# groupItem Group Item TEXT item

Group item to whose members will be iterated (for "itemsInGroup" source type)

# itemTags Item Tags TEXT

Iterate over items with the given tags (comma-separated, for "itemsWithTags" source type)

# itemOptions Item with Options TEXT

Iterate over the state options or command options of this item (for "itemStateOptions" or "itemCommandOptions" source type)

# fetchMetadata Fetch Item Metadata Namespaces TEXT

Fetch the metadata from these namespaces (for "itemsInGroup" and "itemsWithTags" source types)

# filter Filter expression TEXT

Specify an expression WITHOUT THE = PREFIX to filter the resulting array

# map Map expression TEXT

Specify an expression WITHOUT THE = PREFIX to transform the resulting array elements

# listContainer List container BOOLEAN

The child components will be wrapped in a ul HTML elements instead of a div

# containerClasses Classes of the container TEXT

Add these CSS classes to the container

# containerStyle Styles of the container TEXT

Add these CSS styles to the container

# fragment No container (fragment) BOOLEAN

Render all children directly under the repeater's parent, without any container